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Yoganic moves you to balance in body and mind
Yoganic moves you to expand new horizons
Yoganic moves you to your fullest potential
Yoganic moves you to expand your horizons
Yoganic moves you to explore your strength

Yoganic Moves

With Yoganic Moves I love to take you on a journey that inspires you to grow, to find balance between body & mind, to find a deeper connection with yourself, so you can LIVE your fullest potential.

On my own path searching for meaning, I have learned so much. I have been changing carreers, felt lost, got physically and mentally exhausted, faced my biggest fears,....  My biggest challenges were my greatest teachers and made me who I am today.  

With Yoganic Moves I love to share my passion for yoga, meditation and functional movement.

Over the years, I have gained a deeper understanding of anatomy, physiology and the integration of modern science with traditional yoga practices. I got certified as a yoga therapeutic specialist with Yoga Medicine. Yoga is not about pretty poses, but a tool to support you and meet you where you are at.  I love to use yoga therapeutically and suit it to your unique needs.

I am the author of the Dutch Book "Slimmer Sporten met Yoga" which will give you a better understanding on the functioning of your body and provide tools to ADD yoga to your sport, support yourself and find balance.

I believe our yoga practice forms the basis to live, breathe, think, and move in optimal expansive ways.

Practice with me ONLINE and discover the "Healthy Moves" academy.

I teach weekly classes in Gent. I love to meet you on our yoga-and-healthy-brunch / picnic, or on our day retreat in Flanders Fields. I offer yoga at your company  and I am also available for one on one yoga consultations for personal guidance.

If you want to dive deeper, join me on a transforming and unforgettable yoga retreat (check out our travel page)

I look forward to meeting you on the mat.

More about us

Yoga classes
Online and live classes

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Live class - Yoga & healthy moves

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Feel Good Package Banner Website

Find what Feels Good - online package

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Travel with us

Discover all our Yoga holidays

Boost Your Health Yoga - DAY RETREAT

17 August 2024
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Boost Your Health Yoga Weekend

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Workshops and events

Discover all our Yoga events

Workshop "Slimmer sporten met yoga"

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Company classes

Discover our Company classes

Optimize your posture, liberate your spine.

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Introduction workshop yoga

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Create a life you love?

Join me on my journey and find new inspiration.

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Great things will happen for you at Yoganic Moves. We look forward to keeping you in the loop about amazing holidays, retreats, workshops and classes. Just join our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss out!

And hey, don’t be a stranger! We would love to hear from you.

Have a beautiful day!

Yoganic Moves


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